Postdoctoral Position in Molecular Ecology
The labs of Siavash Mirarab and Vineet Bafna are jointly looking for a postdoctoral researcher working in the area of molecular ecology.
Here, we gather the list of small corrections we have had to make to our papers through the years. May the list remain short:
Awards won by students in the lab
A note to self and the lab. The following link provides useful guidelines from ECE Jacobs school on ethics in research:
Siavash Mirarab is an Associate Professor in the ECE Department at the University of California, San Diego, and is also affiliated with the CSE department and the Center for Microbiome Innovation. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Computer Science department at UT-Austin and was advised by Prof. Tandy Warnow. His Ph.D. research was supported by an NSERC PGS award and Howard Hughes Medical Institute international student fellowship, and his dissertation won the honorable mention for the 2015 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award. He has been a recipient of the 2017 Sloan Research Fellowship in Computational & Evolutionary Molecular Biology, the NSF CAREER award, and the MIRA (R35) awrd from NIGMS (NIH). He has contributed to many international projects and is part of the Vertebrate Genome Project Council. His interest is in computational biology. His lab develops methods that target large-scale analyses in various areas, including phylogenomics, large-scale multiple sequence alignment, HIV transmission network reconstruction, and metagenomic analyses using phylogenetic approaches.
Best paper award
Our paper has won the best paper award in GLBIO 2017.
Resources for programming
Prospective students, especially those from ECE, typically need to improve their programming skills before they can do useful work in my lab. Niema Moshiri has shared with me these suggestions for online material that students can use to brush up their coding and algorithmic skills.
Postdoc position for the CNIHR project (HIV transmission network)
We are now hiring a Postdoc for an exciting new project funded by the CNIHR program. See the call for applications below.
Fast coalescent-based support values
Our new paper on coalescent-based branch support estimation just came out at MBE.
Project report on NSF award 1565862
In this page, we report outcomes of the project “Using genomic context to understand evolutionary histories of individual genes” supported by an NSF award, 1565862 (2016–2019).
Material for prospective students
Prospective students, especially those from ECE, typically wonder what kind of work my area of research entails. Here is some background reading material that can help:
Making my dissertation available
Update: My dissertation is now available at the UT library.
Joining UCSD
I am excited to join the ECE department of UC - San Diego as an assistant professor. I have started officially since July 2015, and have been in the campus since the end of the July. If you are a UCSD graduate student, in ECE or other departments, and interested in working on computational biology, drop me an email.